Monday, August 15, 2011

What Have You Done for Peace Today?

Just asking this simple question of ourselves helps us think about those things we naturally do to promote peace -- and what other actions/attitudes we may want to try incorporating into our lives that may also promote peace within our families, communities and nation.

I posed this question to the members of our Mothers Institute group on facebook and found the following comments inspiring ... in no small part because many of these individual actions are doable/achievable for most everyone and have the potential to produce far-reaching positive consequences.

1) Hugged my children

2) Shared my garden harvest with my next door neighbors.

3) I am campaigning (for specific candidates) who will bring all of our troops home so that families can be reunited in peace with their loved ones.

4)  For my behavior to be peaceful, I must be at peace with myself. Today I made peace with another little bit of me that has forever been a bone of contention between me and me.

Now ... what will you do for peace tomorrow?
