Sunday, May 29, 2011

Activist or Supporter: A Shared Struggle with Shared Solutions

Whether you’re a rabble-rousing, protest-marching, demonstration-planning activist or a home-educating, pie-baking, letter-to-the-editor writing supporter of the Anti-War, Pro-Peace Movement, you and I share in this struggle and seek solutions that will produce a more peaceful life and world. 

Whether your style is more vocal or less visible ... whether your participation is on the national stage or at the community park  ... whether your efforts reach hundreds of thousands or just those in your neighborhood – you can make a difference. We all can make a difference.

No one technique for opposing war and promoting peace is the single correct technique, no one solution is the only viable solution, no one effort is any more important than the other.  Activist or Supporter (or somewhere in between) all of us matter in this movement, all of our effort’s complement each other and together we lighten each others' load in the task that is before us.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Weapons of Mass Instruction" ... Anti-War, Pro-Peace Reading for Children

Book Set Clip ArtI came across the following list of reading materials for children of all ages which was created from the contributions of librarians, educators, parents and young readers.
I love the title, "Weapons of Mass Instruction" -- as a well conceived/catchy phrase is essential in capturing the importance of a message, mission and movement.

Check out the list at:


Pacifism vs. Anti-War, Pro-Peace, Pro-Defense

Pacifism as defined by Webster:
1: opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes; specifically  refusal to bear arms on moral or religious grounds
2: an attitude or policy of nonresistance

I do not consider myself a pacifist -- but I am anti-war and pro-peace based on the non-aggression principle i.e
I oppose the initiation of force and fraud

In keeping with the non-aggression principle, I would not consider myself anti-defense, but rather pro-defense -- as once force has been
initiated upon me or my family, etc.. I would defend myself, my family, and my country using force if necessary.

There is no denying the mother-bear-defending-her-cubs instinct runs deep.


Picnics for Peace: Generating Shared Positive Experiences

I recently read an article that mentioned the documentary, 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama, and how in that documentary the Dalai Lama suggested simple solutions for a more peaceful world in troubled times -- gatherings such as picnics and festivals where presented as genuine tools to bring people together.

Often war and peace are thought of  in abstract terms -- or as something that is determined only through high level meetings involving political leaders on a national or global scale. But as the article went on to explain, people don't live in the abstract or on the national or global scene -- but rather they live in the every day of their individual lives. So to address the larger problems of war and find solutions toward peace, we are wise to meet people where they live through and among their everyday lives and experiences.

This brings us back to the basics and clarifies the wisdom in and beauty of organizing local events such as Picnics for Peace.

Picnic Basket Clip ArtI'm working on a plan for that now  :-)

More to follow shortly ...


Peace Through Pie

With a desire to unite the Anti-War, Pro-Peace Mothers' Movement, I have been enjoying the process of researching various efforts, individuals, groups and organizations whose goals are similar to mine.

In the process, I came across the following effort, Peace Through Pie, and  immediately liked the idea of hosting a Pie Social as a venue for opening up a community dialogue on peace through peaceful  means (envisioning anti-war, pro-peace literature scattered around on all the tables for people to pick up, review and discuss at their leisure).

Here's more about this effort:

Peace Through Pie is an expression of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream of a "Beloved Community", where everyone shares a piece of the pie. PTP's mission initiates and encourages conversation about the values we share and our ability to make peace with our neighbors. The pie, an age-old comfort food in many traditions around the world, symbolizes an inclusive equality with its circular form and diverse ingredients.
Peace Through Pie invites neighborhood associations, churches, schools, businesses, organizations, and individuals to host Dream Pie Socials, following a rich, historic precedent of hosting pie socials to benefit worthy causes. All it takes is one dream pie (any pie can be a dream pie if served with that intention) ...
Become a Pie-☮-neer for peace and celebrate Dr. King's January birthday, or host a pie social any day of the year. Everyone is invited to share their stories and imagine new ways to realize the Dream, one piece at a time.

Anyone interested can visit their website at


My Stand on the Military, National Defense and International Affairs

My personal beliefs and the efforts of The Mothers Institute as they relate to an Anti-War, Pro-Peace stand are in no way intended to be disrespectful of the military -- in fact quite the contrary --  they are intended to honor our servicemen and women by working toward bringing them safely home and out of harm's way.

The following points help clarify the reasons for this position:

3.1 National Defense
We support the maintenance of a sufficient military to defend the United States against aggression. The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world. We oppose any form of compulsory national service.
3.3 International Affairs
American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world. Our foreign policy should emphasize defense against attack from abroad and enhance the likelihood of peace by avoiding foreign entanglements. We would end the current U.S. government policy of foreign intervention, including military and economic aid. We recognize the right of all people to resist tyranny and defend themselves and their rights. We condemn the use of force, and especially the use of terrorism, against the innocent, regardless of whether such acts are committed by governments or by political or revolutionary groups.

Note: The above points are taken from Libertarian Party Platform. Readers of this blog need not agree with other aspects of the LP Platform to appreciate, relate to, and respect the sentiments expressed via these segments. Additionally worth noting is that my personal anti-war, pro-peace efforts and goals (and those of The Mothers Institute -- the organization I founded and serve as Director) are not political, but rather revolve around the desire to work with all individuals, groups, and organizations that share in this anti-war, pro-peace mission and message.
