Whether you’re a rabble-rousing, protest-marching, demonstration-planning activist or a home-educating, pie-baking, letter-to-the-editor writing supporter of the Anti-War, Pro-Peace Movement, you and I share in this struggle and seek solutions that will produce a more peaceful life and world.
Whether your style is more vocal or less visible ... whether your participation is on the national stage or at the community park ... whether your efforts reach hundreds of thousands or just those in your neighborhood – you can make a difference. We all can make a difference.
No one technique for opposing war and promoting peace is the single correct technique, no one solution is the only viable solution, no one effort is any more important than the other. Activist or Supporter (or somewhere in between) all of us matter in this movement, all of our effort’s complement each other and together we lighten each others' load in the task that is before us.

No one technique for opposing war and promoting peace is the single correct technique, no one solution is the only viable solution, no one effort is any more important than the other. Activist or Supporter (or somewhere in between) all of us matter in this movement, all of our effort’s complement each other and together we lighten each others' load in the task that is before us.