Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Weapons of Mass Instruction" ... Anti-War, Pro-Peace Reading for Children

Book Set Clip ArtI came across the following list of reading materials for children of all ages which was created from the contributions of librarians, educators, parents and young readers.
I love the title, "Weapons of Mass Instruction" -- as a well conceived/catchy phrase is essential in capturing the importance of a message, mission and movement.

Check out the list at:



  1. Great list! I followed the link and asked them to add this one:
    Under graphic novels and comics, I'd love to see this one added to the Young Adult list:

    Addicted To War
    Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism
    by Joel Andreas

    From Manifest Destiny to the New World Order, this book gives us the facts, about U.S. Military spending, recruitment, violence culture, media, environmental consequences...Along with black and white drawings are black and white photographs - making this less suitable for younger readers.

    It includes a nice list of peace and anti-war groups in the back.
    Distributed through AK Press. Teachers Guides are available.
    Thank you!
    Lori Loranger

  2. Thanks for the feedback, Lori.

    Since my original post, I've also discovered the following list of stories titled, "The Strange War: Stories for the Understanding of Peace and War in 27 Languages".

    It is described below:

    This Project is a collection of 24 stories for the use in peace education. The stories have been written by Austrian children's books author Martin Auer and have been translated by volunteers in 27 languages. Stories can be read at See what readers have to say


